Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anton's Oblong

I found a puzzle box. It is an oblong.

Manaaki's Oblong

I found my maths book. It is an oblong.

Alucious's Oblong

I found a keyboard. It is an oblong.

Florence's Oblong

I found the container lid. It is an oblong.

Claudia's Oblong

I found the keyboard. It is an oblong.

Fareda's Oblong

I found the puzzle box. It is an oblong.

Raera's Oblong

I found my alphabet card. It is an oblong.

Haylee's Oblong

I found my alphabet card. It is an oblong.

Isabella's Oblong

I found a playing card. It is an oblong.

Ezrah's Oblong

I found a building block. It is an oblong.

Rocky's Oblong.

I found a whiteboard duster. It is an oblong.

Tienchen's Oblong.

I found a book. It is an oblong.

Claudia's Shapes.

Shapes I know.

Marie's Shapes.

Shapes I know.

Manaaki's Shapes.

Shapes I know.

Tienchen's Shapes

Shapes I know.

Rocky's Favourite Number.

Anton's Favourite Number.

Manaaki's Favourite Number.

Florence's Favourite Number.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Haylee's Schools in the past

Schools in the past had black boards and flag poles.

Rocky's Schools in the past

Schools in the past had chairs, a teacher and a black board.

My letter S picture

Can you guess what my S picture is?

My letter S picture

Can you guess what my S picture is?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Isabella's Schools in the past

Schools in the past had teachers and uniforms.

Marie's Schools in the past

Schools in the past had a flag pole and a teacher.

Florence's Schools in the past

Schools in the past had chairs and teachers.

Sila's Schools in the past

Schools in the past had chairs.