Thursday, August 8, 2013

Maths 'All Together'

We counted 3 bears all together.


  1. Hey Raera and Claudia,

    I love how you to are getting on with each other, but what I like the most is your drawing. You might be an artist when you grow up.
    keep up the great work guys!

  2. Hi Raera and Claudia

    I really love it how you and Claudia are getting along with each other,also i love it the way how you and claudia has the big smile on both of your guys faces.Keep up the wonderful work.

    From Mere

  3. HI girls!

    What attracted me most is your lovely smile. Your drawing is super! 1 bear and 2 bear makes 3 bears. What is 3 bears take away 2 bears? Keep your LOVELY smile! :D
